
Timely communication and flow of information are at the core of the MBA mission. Through its comprehensive member information, communications and public relations programs, members are kept up-to-date on the latest issues facing the industry.

mbaBanking is the official magazine of the MBA and is the organization’s flagship publication. Published six times a year, the magazine contains in-depth articles on issues affecting the banking industry, how bankers are positively affecting their community, and relative financial trends. All member banks receive the magazine. View the media kit . 

MBA Bank Beat  is the extended electronic version of mbaBanking magazine. Sent monthly to all members, the e-bulletin reports current news affecting the banking industry, provides a calendar of professional development opportunities and more.

Focus on Business is a weekly segment on WLAJ ABC 53 dedicated to small businesses; human resources, marketing, taxation, health, technology, legal issues, political issues, talent, money, operations, and much more.

CEO Update is a monthly executive e-newsletter highlighting headline issues relevant to members. Special editions of the CEO Update are sent when warranted by headline issues. 
Media Inquiries? Contact Alyssa Bouchard, Vice President, Communications.