This page is designed to offer information on the banking industry. Please contact the MBA if you have any further information.
Home Affordable Program - Borrowers Self Assessment Tool
Learn about the Making Home Affordable Refinance and Modification Options.
Tips on how to Avoid Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Information you may share with your customers and employees on avoiding foreclosure rescue scams.
A listing of agencies.
A listing of agencies.
A listing of associations.
State Banking Laws
Here, you will find bills, acts and other law resources at the Michigan Legislature Web site . At this site, you can search for bills using key words or bill numbers. It contains pending bills, old bills and public acts for Michigan. Contact the Advocacy Department at 517-485-3600 if you have questions.
Do Not Call List
For questions about compliance or registration to the Do Not Call list refer to the Federal Trade Commission Website.
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security offers active shooter materials, including materials targeted to human resources and security professionals. Click Here for more information.
“How to Respond Resource Materials” Active Shooter Booklet.