Committee volunteers are the backbone of the MBA's legislative, educational and member service efforts. Each year your association seeks qualified bankers who are willing to give their time to the industry to help shape the activities and policies of the MBA.

Committee appointments are one year terms (each year runs from July 1 through June 30). Committee chairpersons are appointed for two-year terms by the MBA chairman.


Benefits of Volunteering
Committee volunteers derive a great deal of personal satisfaction from their service. All committee volunteers receive the mbaBanking magazine, MBA Bulletin, Advocacy Report /Grassroots News, conference and seminar information and other pertinent information. Committee volunteers requesting a second term typically refer to peer interaction as their primary reason for continued involvement. Being on the cutting edge of legislative and regulatory issues and planning educational events provide volunteers with significant input on shaping MBA policy. Committee service heightens awareness of the legislative process while broadening professional credentials.


How do I Volunteer to Serve on a Committee?
Bankers interested in serving should complete the committee volunteer form and send to the committee staff liaison. The form requests pertinent data regarding your area of expertise and background, and requires the approval and signature of your CEO or supervisor. Committees are structured to represent a cross section of MBA memberships. Your qualifications for service, as well as the size and location of your institution, are considered as committee members are selected. Every attempt is made to avoid having several individuals from the same institution or holding company serve on the same committee.

Click on the committee liaison below to learn more!


Marketing Committee


Bank Management & Directors
Conference Committee

Audit and Risk Management Committee
Retail Lending Committee
Taxation Committee

Trust Counsel Committee
Trust Executive Committee





Commercial Lending Committee
Human Resources Committee
Grassroots Advocacy Committee
Bank Counsel Committee