Learn about the MBA Commercial Lending, HR, Grassroots and Bank Counsel Committees
Commercial Lending Committee
This committee drives MBA policy on legislation and regulations and provides direct input on legislative and regulatory language related to commercial lending. Working closely with MBA Advocacy staff, committee members may be consulted for direct input on pending legislation or asked to testify on behalf of the industry. This committee may also advise the MBA regarding relevant and timely content and preferred presenters for member workshops, seminars and other educational events and programs along with various MBA publications or products.
Membership consists of bank officers specializing in commercial lending.
Grassroots Advocacy Committee
This committee drives and supports MBA political and legislative issue advocacy by communicating to and through the membership the industry’s concerns and views. This committee creates a core of educated local grassroots bankers to educate and inform elected officials and others concerning industry issues.
Membership consists of bank CEOs and officers, meets at least three times annually and additionally as needed.
Human Resources Committee
This committee drives MBA policy on legislation and regulations and provides direct input on legislative and regulatory language related to human resources and employment issues. Working closely with MBA Advocacy staff, committee members may be consulted for direct input on pending legislation or asked to testify on behalf of the industry. This committee may also advise the MBA regarding relevant and timely content and preferred presenters for member workshops, seminars and other educational events and programs along with various MBA publications or products.
Membership consists of bank officers specializing in human resources.
Staff Liaison: Alex Morris